Our King and the Kingdom, part 2. In Matthew 17 the Transfiguration takes place, the veil comes off and the disciples see who Jesus really is for the first time.
Tag: Andrew Wilson
A Short Course in Christian Apologetics
Acts, part 23. In Acts chapters 22 and 23 the Apostle Paul has to make a legal defence for his actions, and the remaining chapters turn into a trial story where Paul defends the Christian faith against the charges made … Continue reading “A Short Course in Christian Apologetics”
Lost & Found
The parable of the prodigal son is really about two lost brothers, and even a prodigal father. It shows us there are at least two ways to be lost.
Self-Examination: Look In
The Table, part 5: When we come to celebrate communion, it doesn’t need to be gloomy, introspective, or a guilt trip.
The Forgotten Arts, part 11. In John 13 we see Jesus wash his disciples feet: he lays aside his majesty and decends to the lowest point in the room, where he does the unthinkable work of a slave.
The Forgotten Arts, part 9. Biblical confession is a collision of two things: knowing the radical depths of your sin, and knowing the radical depths of God’s mercy.
Psalm 8: The Greatness and Majesty of God
In Scripture, names reflect the character and history of a person. When the Psalmist says, “how majestic is your name,” he means that God’s essence, being, character and identity is unthinkably excellent and glorious.
Understanding the Promises of Psalm 91
Psalm 91 is a very reassuring and strengthening psalm, one which many people have gone to in this time of crisis. But it does seem to make promises that don’t quite correspond with life at the moment.
Psalm 130: What Do We Do With Suffering?
Jesus promised us that in this world, we would have trouble. The question is: what do we do when it comes?