Part 10. Coveting is a deep rooted yearning to possess something you haven’t got, something which typically belongs to someone else. We’ll look at how coveting affects possessions, position and personality.
Category: Ten
Honour Your Father and Mother
Part 9. Very few societies in history have shown less regard for honouring parents, and older people, than ours does. Why is this? There are a whole range of reasons, but underneath it all is this: our culture has no … Continue reading “Honour Your Father and Mother”
Do Not Bear False Witness
Part 8. Looking at the ninth commandment: we’re not to speak badly or to lie. Sounds easy in itself, but we speak up to 20,000 words a day, but only around 700 have any real value. And we’re increasingly living … Continue reading “Do Not Bear False Witness”
Do Not Steal
Part 7. Theft isn’t something that’s just done by robbers at midnight, sneaking into your neighbours house. More often than not it’s ‘white collar crime’: tax avoidance, inflated costs, stealing from work, sick days and clocking off early.
Faithful Sexuality
Part 6. In our generation, the main commandment that the world objects to is the seventh. To most people today, it sounds arbitrary and backwards. So we need to ask the crucial question: why are those sexual restrictions there? We … Continue reading “Faithful Sexuality”
You Shall Not Murder
Part 5. The command to not murder is simple, but in Matthew 5 Jesus explains that anyone who is angry with his brother is guilty of the same thing. Jesus’s primary concern is the root, not the fruit. Get the … Continue reading “You Shall Not Murder”
Part 4. Want to be blessed? Learn to rest. Take time off, switch off and head off… into recreation, relaxation, restoration, recovery and relationship: ultimately relationship with God.
Take God Seriously
Part 3. Names are important, because names stand for something. There’s power in a name. In the beginning, Adam got to name all the animals and creatures God had created. But he didn’t get to name God himself. Instead, God … Continue reading “Take God Seriously”
God Only
Part 2. We’re not to have any ‘idols’ in our lives — anything that blanks out, covers over, pushes out and replaces God. There are lots of good things in life which, if we’re not careful, can push God down … Continue reading “God Only”