Immediately, part 2. Jesus commissions and sends out the twelve disciples to preach repentance, to take authority over demons and to fully trust in God for all their material needs.
Tag: Leadership
Raising Servant-Hearted Leaders
Immediately, part 1. Philippians 2 tells us that every knee will bow before Jesus, yet Mark 10:45 states that Jesus came to not to be served, but to serve. This is the essence of servant-hearted leaders.
The Great Deacon Payoff
Acts, part 8. The best kind of leadership is one that imitates Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served. We have both elders (servant leaders) and deacons (leading servants), and today we take explore the diaconate role.
Gender Roles In Leadership At Kings — Have We Got It Right?
Part one of our series on ‘Life, The Universe & Everything’. We look at the hot topic of gender roles in church leadership and ask the question ‘have we go it right?’
Gender Roles in Leadership at Kings
How do we understand Biblical gender roles at Kings and where do we land between complementation and egalitarian views?
Eldership and Ministry in the Local Church, Part 1
John is bringing two messages to us on leadership roles in the local church, and how they are used to serve, pastor, protect and guide.
Spirit-Empowered Leadership
Part 1 of our 2 Corinthians teaching series.