Right at the beginning of his ministry Jesus announces the coming of the Kingdom by applying this Scripture to himself: “To comfort all who mourn” (Isaiah 61:2)
Category: Signs
Healing: Jesus and Lazarus
Healing: part 2. Looking at one of the most dramatic healing miracles that Jesus ever does, seeing how it shapes our theology and how we go about this at a practical level.
Jesus and Healing
Healing: part 1. We live in the huge tension between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’. But we want to see more of the ‘not yet’ now.
Fighting for Peace
Peace: part 2. As Christians we have access to God’s perfect peace. That does not mean life is easy, but it means we can experience an indescribable peace despite our circumstances.
The Sign of Peace
Peace: part 1. How did Jesus bring and demonstrate the peace of God? Without Him we can be torn up by anxiety, fear and stress.
Deliverance: part 2. With Jesus there is deliverance, there is rescue, there is salvation. We are delivered from one identity into another. When we are part of God’s kingdom we can expect to be changed into the likeness of Christ.
Hosanna! Deliverance
Deliverance: part 1. One of the Kingdom signs is that when Jesus comes, and sets up reign in our hearts, he brings freedom and deliverance. Both freedom of sin and freedom from the fear of death.
Pursuing Joy
Joy: part 2. Joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian. We are called to a life of joy and happiness. The Bible talks about eternal pleasures and everlasting happiness. We will all experience sorrow; but being a glum, miserable … Continue reading “Pursuing Joy”
Jesus the merrymaker
Joy: part 1. A sign of God’s kingdom coming on earth is joy. Jesus was full of joy and brought joy to people wherever he went. This week we walk with Jesus in Luke’s gospel and watch as he engages … Continue reading “Jesus the merrymaker”