By Faith, part 7. Even though you and I are sometimes successful and sometimes sinful, sometimes faithful and sometimes failures, Jesus will in the end get us across the line into the presence of God.
Tag: Identity in Christ
Grace on Trial
Acts, part 16. Jesus was a Jewish messiah and the gospel came first to the Jews. But what happened when the gentiles got included in? Did they need to go through all the requirements to become acceptable to God under … Continue reading “Grace on Trial”
From Saul to Paul
Acts, part 11. In chapter 9 Saul encounters Jesus and has his eyes opened to who Jesus really is. The miracle of salvation is one of the greatest miracles we can witness as people’s lives are changed for eternity.
Jonah — Salvation Belongs to the Lord
One of the most popular stories told to children, the book of Jonah is one that challenges our perception of morality and grace, as God’s mercy can extend far beyond what we’re comfortable with.
Understanding God’s Grace
Jonah, Chapter 2. It’s often claimed that this phrase from Jonah 2—“Salvation belongs to the Lord”—is one of the most central phrases out of the whole of Scripture.
Happy Minds: From Old to New
Joy, part 8. The gospel transforms us from death to life. In this we take off the ‘old self’ and put on the ‘new self’. But how do we go about doing this in our ordinary, everyday lives?
Happy Families: Know You Belong
Joy, part 4. The absolute centre of God’s affection, love and joy is his son, Jesus. When we place our faith in Jesus, we’re placing ourselves in the epicentre of God’s joy.
Happy Go Lucky: Joyful and Secure
Joy, part 3. The future is unbelievably bright, no matter how tough things might be now. A joy-filled Christian can be cheerfully unconcerned about the future, because God is in control.
Happy Hour: No Half Measures
Joy, part 2. Last week we looked at seven reasons to be filled with joy regardless of our circumstances. This week we look at the seven responses that follow in Ephesians 1:15-23.