By Faith, part 8. Abraham repeats his mistake of lying about his wife to a pagan King, Abimelek, but he does so out of fear and unbelief in the Goodness of God.
Tag: Fear
People God Killed
Acts, part 6. Looking at the story of Ananias and Sapphira and the fear of God that gripped the community in its wake.
Psalm 13: How Long, O Lord Will You Forget Me?
Venting only passes how we’re feeling to other people. When we learn to lament well, we bring those things before an infinite God, who can handle all our deepest emotions, worries and concernes, and respond to us.
The Forgotten Arts, part 7. Do we genuinely approach God with reverence? Is reverence and fear the same thing? And how do we understand ‘the fear of the Lord’, which the Bible affirms as good, with a God who ‘is … Continue reading “Reverence”
The Sign of Peace
Peace: part 1. How did Jesus bring and demonstrate the peace of God? Without Him we can be torn up by anxiety, fear and stress.