A Door of Hope — Wallpapers and Screensavers

We would love you to pray into our 2030 vision for “A Door of Hope”. As a handy little reminder we’ve created some screensavers and wallpapers for a variety of devices that you can download on the links below:

5K Desktop Wallpaper
HD Desktop Wallpaper

iPhone Lock Screen
Smartphone Wallpaper

iPad Lock Screen
Tablet (16:10 aspect ratio)
Tablet (4:3 aspect ratio)

Social Post
Facebook Cover Image
PowerPoint Slide


In the mood for a hip hop Christmas carol? Here’s our version of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”. The notes and sounds you hear were all created, sung or triggered by the kids at King’s… with a little bit of help from some grown ups! Thanks so much to every child that took part — we’re so proud of you! 🎬🛼🎤🎻🎄

August 2024 Baptisms

It’s amazing to hear the stories of those who have had their lives transformed by Jesus, and have made a public declaration that they are following him, including a number of our young people at King’s who have recently returned from Newday. The chapters for each baptism is visible in the YouTube video when played.

To explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly and fun environment (with a free dinner!) consider Alpha, which begins at King’s on Wednesday 25th at 7:30pm. Find out more at https://www.kings.church/alpha

Surviving 1700 days of INSOMNIA…

Earlier this year Sam shared on the goodness of God through the darkest times at our Thursday morning church. Using the early mornings to capture the sunrises, Sam shares his story of walking through 1700 days of insomnia, how God uses the bad for good, and can answer prayer in very unexpected ways.

If you’ve ever had a real season of struggle, with what feels like abandonment from your Heavenly Father, this story is for you.

Church Info Night — April 2024

A key event of news and updates for all who call King’s their home.

00:00 Introduction and overview
01:45 Services and Sites update
04:46 Thursday Church
15:00 Church on the Harbour
26:48 Sunday Evening
32:17 Mortgage and Buildings update
— 45:10 Q&A
53:48 Staffing update
59:48 Volunteering update
1:06:42 Role: Director of Operations and Staff
1:14:46 Elders and Deacons update
1:21:38 Gift Day
1:31:22 Scott Marques / Disciple Nations update

Nyame Ye — New Worship at King’s

Our worship and media teams have been busy recording a first for King’s — a home grown song all of our own — and something a little different. Written by our worship leaders Francis and Geisiel, with arrangement by our worship lead Rich, the song is a sung in three languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Twi and English; and is based on an Afrobeats rhythm. 

Released Easter Sunday 2024, the video is also available on our YouTube channel

You can also add the studio version of the song to your favourite streaming service at wingsmusic.lnk.to/Nyameye

For more live worship at King’s, visit our YouTube playlist.

7 ways of fasting through Lent

We are using the traditional period of Lent to seek after God through prayer & fasting, bringing our ‘holy dissatisfaction’ to Him collectively as a church family. For these seven weeks, wherever you are in your faith, we are encouraging people to fast, from food, for a time.

This will look different for everyone, it may be skipping a meal once a week and using that time to pray, it might be as a group you fast all day and break your fast together with a meal in the evening, it might be fasting completely for a day or two.

The 7 topics are:

12th Feb: Week 1 — All that is within me
Looking at how we praise the Lord with our whole selves.
Watch Video | Download Video | Life Group Notes (PDF)

19th Feb: Week 2 — Information overload
Exploring what dials we need to turn down in our lives in order to turn up our spiritual dial.
Watch Video | Download Video | Life Group Notes (PDF)

26th Feb: Week 3 — Repenting well
Discussing how we repent and how we can use fasting as a way to repent well.
Watch Video | Download Video | Life Group Notes (PDF)

4th March: Week 4 — Lamenting with God
Considering where we seek comfort in times of grief and lament.
Watch video | Download Video

11th March: Week 5 — Calling on God in a time of crisis
Assessing our gut reactions when crisis comes our way.
Watch Video | Download Video | Life Group Notes (PDF)

18th March: Week 6
Unfortunately content is unavailable for week 6.

25th March: Week 7 — Knowing God’s Mind
Examine how you’ve found the practice of fasting and sharing what God has been speaking to you about and stirring your heart towards.
Watch Video | Download Video | Life Group Notes (PDF)


For some there may be medical reasons meaning you are unable to safely fast from food completely, or there may be people who struggle with eating disorders.

If this is you or people you know, walk through this together asking the Holy Spirit to reveal if there is a particular type of food to fast from, or something that would be helpful to fast instead of food.

We want to reiterate that we live under grace and it’s important to be safe and sensible about this. There’s room for everyone to grow in this practice in some way.