Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 6. We end our series on Mary looking at the death of Jesus through the eyes of his mother.
Tag: Death
The Sanctity of Life
Against the Flow, part 4. Only God can ‘Bara ex Nihilo’ — create out of nothing. Only he can create life, and he has numbered our days even before we were born.
Dying and Living
By Faith, part 11. We conclude our series on the life of Abraham by looking at one thing that each one of us will experience and none of us can escape: death. When the believer passes through this they no longer … Continue reading “Dying and Living”
Rebuilding in the Rubble
Encounters with Jesus, part 3. Tragedy is not unusual, it can come without a moment’s notice and leave your life in ruins. These moments, while bitter, often provide an eternal perspective on what’s important as we follow Jesus. Marcellus joins … Continue reading “Rebuilding in the Rubble”
Life Through the Lens of the Gospel
Part 1. 1 Corinthians 15 helps us to process life through the lens of the gospel. It asks us to consider what our hope is beyond the grave.
Writing on the Wall
Part 5. The expression ‘the writings on the wall’ is right out of Daniel chapter 5. Belshazzar knows his kingdom is doomed and that his departure from this world is imminent. As we approach death, how do we make sense … Continue reading “Writing on the Wall”
Jesus Brings Comfort
Right at the beginning of his ministry Jesus announces the coming of the Kingdom by applying this Scripture to himself: “To comfort all who mourn” (Isaiah 61:2)
What does ‘dying with dignity’ really look like? Assisted dying is a huge question we’ll be facing in the next few years in the UK. So how should we respond?
Origin of Suffering Part 2: Death
Part 8 of our Origins series.