For thousands of years Christians and Jews have turned to the Psalms in times of upheaval, stress and crisis, and found comfort. Today we look at a Psalm that speaks to one of the most unexpected challenges we’re facing: that … Continue reading “Psalm 139: You have searched me and know me!”
Tag: Andrew Wilson
The Word, Repentance and Grace
Jonah, chapter 3. For the most part, Jonah is a story of failure. But in chapter three things improve. Jonah preaches to Nineveh—the capital of the Assyrian empire, which at the time was the world’s largest—and they repent.
The Prodigal Prophet
Jonah, chapter 1. One thing the story of Jonah teaches us is that God is so committed to saving sinners that he will send a giant fish to swallow a rebellious prophet; just so he can live to preach the … Continue reading “The Prodigal Prophet”
The Forgotten Arts, part 6. How do we practice spending time on our own, with God, to deepen our relationship with Him?
Happy Together: Unity and How to Find it
Joy, part 7. Unity is a critical issue at this moment in our society. There are very few generations that would claim to be have been as divided as we are today. What is it that we must do to … Continue reading “Happy Together: Unity and How to Find it”
Happy Feet: Know Your Purpose
Joy, part 5. How would you describe your purpose in life? Most of us would answer that question at an individual level. In many cultures—including that in which the Scriptures were written—people would think about their purpose corporately. The most … Continue reading “Happy Feet: Know Your Purpose”
Happy Days: Seven Reasons to Rejoice
Joy, part 1. We start this series with a bold claim: Ephesians has the most upbeat, blessing-filled, happy opening to any letter in history.
The Family of God
Blueprint, part 10. The world is crying out for family: a place where you’re accepted, you belong and are known. The church is the family of God, but we’re so immersed in our individualistic British culture that often we’re much … Continue reading “The Family of God”
The Bride of Christ
Blueprint, part 8. The Church is the ultimate example of the ‘ugly duckling’ storyline. Her destiny is to be unveiled as the bride of Jesus Christ, radiant and glorious. But in the meantime, she is an awkward, compromised, and often … Continue reading “The Bride of Christ”