The Table, part 6: We are encouraged to come and celebrate communion with eager expectation of Jesus’ return.
Category: The Table
Self-Examination: Look In
The Table, part 5: When we come to celebrate communion, it doesn’t need to be gloomy, introspective, or a guilt trip.
Fellowship: Look Around
The Table, part 4: “So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together.” (1 Cor 11:33). Communion not only speaks of our relationship with God, but our unity with each other, and the … Continue reading “Fellowship: Look Around”
Proclamation: Looking Out
The Table, part 3: Communion is an invitation come to a table, where all are welcome, we proclaim Jesus’ death, and look forward to the final feast with him and his people. .
Thankful: Look Up
The Table, part 2: Communion is like three things: finding a winning lottery ticket, a cathedral and a kiln.
Remembrance: Look Back
The Table, part 1: Because Jesus provides, we get to feast. Because Jesus works, we get to rest. And because Jesus dies, we get to live.