We had the great pleasure of commissioning two new Elders, Ben and Martin, as well as hearing updates from Seaford and hearing from Dave Holden.
Tag: Dave Holden
All the Tree is in the Seed
The entire DNA of a tree is in its seed. Once it’s been planted, its DNA drives growth and increase. This is a picture of the Church.
Love: the Foundation of Christian Community
Part 1. Love is at the absolute centre of everything we do as Christians. Dave Holden, who heads up our New Ground family of churches, shares four foundations of love.
Three Characteristics of Healthy Church
Going to church has never been so easy, yet doing church has never been so hard. Dave Holden heads up our New Ground family of churches and joins us this morning with a special message.
My Passion for the Local Church
The local church is Jesus’ plan A to establish his Kingdom here on earth, and there is no plan B! When we realise what Jesus is doing—and that the victory is already his—we will be ruined for anything else.
The Power of Corporate Prayer
Part 3. Dave Holden leads the New Ground family of churches across the UK and Europe, with a mission to see many churches planted and communities transformed. Here Dave talks about the need for a grassroots prayer movement.
Healthy Church: Advance
VitalSigns teaching series: Healthy Church, part 4.