Groups are right at the heart of our community life.
Connecting together in smaller settings is an essential part of our church life. It’s where we foster friendships, grow in faith, eat food, read the Bible, encourage and challenge one another, and pray. They are where we go from being a face in the crowd to a friend in the room.
Life groups are right at the heart of our community life. Church is all about people, and getting to know people takes time. Our groups can be lots of fun and a highlight of the week. But they can also be real life-savers when the tough seasons hit hard, either to us or those around us.
So we really hope you find a place among us where you not only make some really good friends, but meet your brothers and sisters.
Meeting together in our gatherings and in groups is vital for us as a people following Jesus. It’s only when we’re tightly woven together that we have strength and can be effective in all that God’s called us to.
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