Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 6. We end our series on Mary looking at the death of Jesus through the eyes of his mother.
Tag: Life Issues
The Shame Breaker
Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 5. At the wedding in Cana, Jesus does his first public miracle, not only covering the shame that would have come, but extravagantly providing way more than was ever needed.
Raising Boys
Against the Flow, part 2. We’re living through a time where childhood is being reengineered, where social habits have changed, where milestones now take longer to reach amidst a crisis of mental health, and the stability and security of family … Continue reading “Raising Boys”
The Healing of the Deaf and Mute
Immediately, part 3. Medicine and supernatural healing are complimentary, and God can use both for his glory. Some experience immediate healing through prayer, while others have their healing waiting for them in heaven.
Dying and Living
By Faith, part 11. We conclude our series on the life of Abraham by looking at one thing that each one of us will experience and none of us can escape: death. When the believer passes through this they no longer … Continue reading “Dying and Living”
Rebuilding in the Rubble
Encounters with Jesus, part 3. Tragedy is not unusual, it can come without a moment’s notice and leave your life in ruins. These moments, while bitter, often provide an eternal perspective on what’s important as we follow Jesus. Marcellus joins … Continue reading “Rebuilding in the Rubble”
Healing and Belief
Acts, part 4. We’ve seen firsthand that God heals, but we’re also faced with the reality that it doesn’t always happen in this life. How do we handle this tension?
Unfinished Business
Joshua Generation, part 9. Character is something that develops over a lifetime, through all kinds of experiences, and is something that cannot be fast-tracked. In Joshua 14 we look at the godly character of Caleb and how he helps form … Continue reading “Unfinished Business”
Trust in the Lord
Joshua Generation, part 8. War is part of the fallen human condition, and will always be amongst us. But we have One who has come to bring peace. Jesus is the hope of the nations.