The book of Hosea is quoted more times in the New Testament than any other Minor Prophet, and introduces us to the concept of God as a bridegroom, married to his people.
Category: 1 Scroll 12 Chapters
Jonah — Salvation Belongs to the Lord
One of the most popular stories told to children, the book of Jonah is one that challenges our perception of morality and grace, as God’s mercy can extend far beyond what we’re comfortable with.
Habakkuk — God, I’ve Got Questions
We know very little about the prophet Habakkuk, but he opens with some honest questions to God; questions which he knows are from a man’s perspective, limited in knowledge and understanding.
Micah — God’s Bias Towards the Weak and the Poor
In the Minor Prophets we see God express a surprising bias, and it’s not toward the strong, the winners at life, those at the top of the tree. It’s towards the clingers-on, the falling, the weak, the vulnerable, to those … Continue reading “Micah — God’s Bias Towards the Weak and the Poor”
Introduction to The Twelve
1 Scroll 12 Chapters, part 1. Jürgen introduces the scroll of The Twelve, also known as the Minor Prophets, which make up the last twelve books of our Old Testament.