Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 3. Creation is filled with communication about its creator, yet humanity is the only thing that is created in the image of God.
Tag: Rachel Wilson
The Promise Fulfilled
By Faith, part 9. Success for the people of God does not rest on their own ingenuity to make things happen, which unleashes chaos, but rests on God’s promise.
The Lord Enthroned
Encounters with Jesus, part 6. Acts 1 isn’t about the absence of Jesus, it’s about the radical outbreak of his presence. We look at what could mistakenly thought of as the disciples final encounter with Jesus: his ascension to heaven.
Unusual Kindness
Acts, part 26. Looking at the unusual kindness of God, what happens when unwelcome drama hits our lives and an unchanging, faithful God, who we can trust.
Micah — God’s Bias Towards the Weak and the Poor
In the Minor Prophets we see God express a surprising bias, and it’s not toward the strong, the winners at life, those at the top of the tree. It’s towards the clingers-on, the falling, the weak, the vulnerable, to those … Continue reading “Micah — God’s Bias Towards the Weak and the Poor”
Mother of Compassion
Incomparable, part 7. Looking at one of the only places in Scripture where God’s compassion is compared to that of a nursing mother.
The Forgotten Arts, part 6. How do we practice spending time on our own, with God, to deepen our relationship with Him?
The Challenge of Change
Part 6. In Daniel chapter 6 we find one of the most well-known, but also one of the most misunderstood, stories in the Bible: Daniel and the lions den.
Favour and Blessing
Rachel was beautiful whereas Leah was overlooked, unloved and unwanted. But God saw Leah and gave her phenomenal blessing. The world praises the high-fliers and over-achievers, but God loves to use the weak for his Kingdom purposes.