We want to help your whole family enjoy Sundays with us. We currently provide children’s activites for all ages in a safe, fun and creative environment at our Hampden Park gathering.


Our heart is to see a generation of children who love God and are equipped to impact the world around them. Here you will find an outline of everything that happens at King's on a Sunday morning.

Our welcome and kids teams are available to answer any questions you might have, to show you round and to help you find the right kids work for your child.

Just look out for anyone wearing the welcome or kids team t-shirts. Directions to our kids work will also be visible as you exit the main hall.


Child protection:

All our children and youth workers have undergone a ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’ check at the enhanced level, and trained in the King's Child Protection Policy for best practice in children’s and youth work.

Extra needs:

We seek to support children with additional needs. As you register, please let our kids team know how we can best help care for your child.

Registering your child

Registration for children aged 1-11 takes place in the foyer as you come into our church building. Each child will get a sticker with an ID number on, and parents will be given a card with the same number to collect their child after the meeting ends. We will also alert you should your child need you during the service.

Parent & baby area

A great space for parents with babies to drop in (no need to register). We have a room next to the foyer with toys and a TV connecting you to the church meeting. Our family team will be on hand to help out and serve you.

Tea and coffee are available, as is a microwave to heat food/milk. High chairs are also available on request.

Sensory room

We have a parent accompanied sensory room for children with additional needs. Chat to our kids team for more information and to view our facility.


Age 1-5 (up to reception year)

Our Unders 5s all meet together upstairs for worship, action songs, simple craft activities, free play, Bible stories and prayer. They will go out mid way through our worship (a notice will appear on the screens in the main hall when our Under 5s is open).

Click images to view large:

Mini-Tots: 1-3 years Mini-Tots: 1-3 years Mini-Tots: 1-3 years Mini-kidz: 4-5 years Mini-kidz: 4-5 years


Age 6-11 (school years 1–6)

In Sunday Kids we believe exploring the Bible should be fun and exciting, creative, and engage the imagination of our kids. That why our kids team do things like transforming the Devon hall into Pirate Land!

Pirate Land

We want our children to learn how to talk to God and to build friendships with each other that last. We have small group chats, crafts, games (sometimes messy!), creative video and prayer. There is also some sport at the end for those who want to burn off some extra energy.

During term time our 6-11s meet together for the duration of the morning meeting and then, in the school holidays, they join us for the worship time in the main hall, before heading out.

Click images to view large:

Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years Sunday-kids: 6-11 years


Kids Hangout

For ages 6-11s we have fun and games mid-week after school. Sometimes we're in Hampden Park, other times we meet at the King's Centre. Email families@kings.church for details.

Kings Youth

Food, games, discussion and a talk from the Bible. Typically the 11-14s go out half way through worship and spend the morning hanging out, digging deeper into faith and building friendships.

Youth Bible

King's Youth Mid-week