Godly Little Letters, part 4. All believers will contend for the gospel, they will struggle and strive for it, contest difficulty and take a stand. The extreme persecution of the first century couldn’t wipe out the faith of the early … Continue reading “Jude: Contend for the Faith”
Tag: 2024
Philemon: Transformation and Change
Godly Little Letters, part 3. Freedom, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and a change of identity. God loves to transform us out of what we once were into something completely new.
Love is All You Need — Part 2
Godly Little Letters, part 2. Looking again at the letter of 1 John we take a deeper look at one of the signs that Jesus lives in us, that we love one another.
Love is All You Need — Part 1
Godly Little Letters, part 1. Looking at the letter of 1 John. John was an eyewitness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and today we look at three signs that he lives in us.
Against The Flow or With The Grain
Against the Flow, part 7. It’s a common problem in the world, that we love the kingdom but not the King. We love Christian values, but we want them without the Christian faith.
Against the Flow, part 6. Home and school are the two most important places for a child. They have a huge effect on their life chances, and can set the tone and trajectory of their lives.
The Reconciled Church
Against the Flow, part 5. Diversity and racial reconciliation is at the very heart of God’s purpose for the world and has been on His heart from the very beginning.
The Sanctity of Life
Against the Flow, part 4. Only God can ‘Bara ex Nihilo’ — create out of nothing. Only he can create life, and he has numbered our days even before we were born.
Against the Flow, part 3. Time is the oxygen of friendship, and friendship is easily overlooked, yet it’s one of the most important themes right through Scripture.