Surprised by Joy, part 5. What do we do with pain, loss, challenges to mental health and heightened anxieties? Philippians 4 gives us some amazing ways though which we can set ourselves in the peace of God.
Tag: Joy
Joy in Sharing
Surprised by Joy, part 4. The Kingdom of God will come through you. It will come through every one of us pursuing Jesus and the work he’s got for us. So while we’re called to stand firm in our faith, … Continue reading “Joy in Sharing”
Joy in Salvation
Surprised by Joy, part 3. How do we start to work out what God has already worked in us? In Philippians 2 we’re given four ways to do just this.
Joy in Service
Surprised by Joy, part 2. Unity is actually the by-product of us all serving one another. When we value others above ourselves, looking first to the interests of others out of love, something beautiful happens: we become one in mind … Continue reading “Joy in Service”
Joy in Living
Surprised by Joy, part 1. Difficult times in life can feel like dark tunnels that we have to travel through. Instead of waiting for the light at the end, God wants to fill the tunnel with light, right where we … Continue reading “Joy in Living”
Stealing Joy from the Future
Part 6. Hebrews 12 tells us that “For the joy set before him he endured the cross”. Jesus took joy from the future to persevere through the present. As followers of Jesus we can imitate him in this.
Happy as Larry: Undefeated
Joy, part 12. The Christian life is like stepping into a boxing ring: be alert, be on your guard, don’t underestimate your opponent. Graham discusses ten tactics the enemy uses to rob us of joy.
Happy Clappy: A Thankful Heart
Joy, part 9. Ephesians 5 teaches us to give thanks always and for everything. This is easy when life is good. But doing this when life is hard produces real evidence that God is at work in us.
Happy Together: Unity and How to Find it
Joy, part 7. Unity is a critical issue at this moment in our society. There are very few generations that would claim to be have been as divided as we are today. What is it that we must do to … Continue reading “Happy Together: Unity and How to Find it”