Below is a YouTube playlist of nine worship songs which relate to the teaching we’ll be going through in our Revelation series “Reconciled”.
We Love God’s Spirit: 2025 Conference
Catch up with the recordings from our 2025 conference here. We plan to add a few more recordings here soon.
The Spirit of Adoption
We Love God’s Spirit, part 4. There are no orphans in the Kingdom of God. Our Father has adopted us, bringing us into his family, giving us his name, inheritance, and eternal future.
The Spirit Brings Peace
As part of our We Love God’s Spirit teaching series, Jon Robbins shares how Romans 8 shows that the Holy Spirit brings peace into our lives in three crucial ways: Peace with God, Peace with others and Peace within ourselves.
The Spirit Gives Life
We Love God’s Spirit, part 2. The gift of the Holy Spirit quickens us, and brings the spiritually dead back to life.
The Spirit Brings Freedom
We Love God’s Spirit, part 1. God is after your heart, which is the seat of your emotions. As we look at Romans 8 we want to build up a thirst and a burning heart for God.
The Death Of Her Son
Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 6. We end our series on Mary looking at the death of Jesus through the eyes of his mother.
The Shame Breaker
Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 5. At the wedding in Cana, Jesus does his first public miracle, not only covering the shame that would have come, but extravagantly providing way more than was ever needed.
In My Father’s House
Mary: All people will call me blessed, part 4. Wendy took us through the story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus travelling to Jerusalem and realising that Jesus was not with them on their return journey.