Giving to God is one of the most exciting things in life, and we’re so grateful for the generosity of those who’ve made Kings their home.

Regular Giving

Giving honours God, blesses the community and resources the church. So whatever stage you’re at, we would love you to join the adventure!

Giving should be done responsibly. We’re called to be good stewards of our resources, and would encourage you to give without getting into debt. If you need help with budgeting or debt advice, contact us, we can point you in the right direction.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid form. Through this we’re able to claim up to an additional 25% from the government on all your giving. You can also complete a Gift Aid form at the Connect Point on a Sunday morning.

Ways to Give

PAYA: My giving hub

The button below will take you our PAYA donation page, where you can give by debit/credit, Apple Pay or Google Pay. You can also Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer, which adds up to 25% to your giving.

Give Online

Internet Banking

You can use the following details with your online banking to set up a standing order or make a one-off donation:

Account name: The Frontiers Charitable Trust
Account no: 00639745
Sort Code: 202791

Sunday Mornings

Each week at our Sunday meetings there is an opportunity to give. You can use the envelopes provided to give via cash, cheque, debit or credit card. There is also a contactless giving point at our Hampden Park venue.


If you're not able to physically come to our church meetings, you can a cheque made out to the 'Frontiers Charitable Trust' and post to:

King's Centre, 27 Edison Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6PT

Love Eastbourne Fund

In response to local need we have set-up a Love Eastbourne Fund in which 100% of all donations will go to help those struggling financially in our community.

Donate now

Love Eastbourne Fund at
14th January 2025

Figures since the launch of
the Love Eastbourne Fund in March 2020

Love Our World

Our "Love our World" fund helps support people and projects outside the UK. This was kick-started by our February 2022 Gift Day.

Donate now

Love Our World at
30th June 2024

Figures since the launch of
the Love Our World in February 2022

Gift Day 2024

Gift Day 2024

You can still give to our 2024 Gift Day which we've used to kickstart our plans to make the King's Centre fit for the next generation. Every penny counts, and we're so grateful for the generosity of all those who have made King's their home.

The button below will take you our PAYA donation page, where you can give by debit/credit, Apple Pay or Google Pay. You can also Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer, which adds up to 25% to your giving.

Give to Gift Day

Internet Banking

You can use the following details with your online banking to give:

Account name: Frontiers Charitable Trust
Account no: 00639745
Sort Code: 202791
Please use the reference: GIFTDAY

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate

Gift Aid makes a huge difference to the amount we recieve as a charity, adding up to 25% to all donations made by UK taxpayers.

If you’re a UK taxpayer we can claim Gift Aid on all your donations. Simply fill out the online form and it will apply to all future donations as well as any made in the last four years.

How much should I give?

We’re so grateful for every single penny our church gives! King’s is filled with generous people who are not just resourcing the church but honouring God and placing him first in their lives. Giving is part of worship. Generous giving will become a fragrant offering, as we meet needs both at home and overseas.

Whatever stage you are at, we would like to invite you to make giving part of the big adventure of faith and worship. As Christians we are no longer under the Jewish Old Covenant with its regulations for special days, observances, tithing, food laws etc. We are now under grace (Romans 6:14), and as such we are free from the law’s demands.

Tithing was Old Testament law. Giving is a New Testament principle. This means that when we give, we give out of a heart set free to be generous.

Paul taught the (Corinthian) church the following:

“On the first day of every week each of you is to put something aside and store it up in keeping with your income, saving it up so that when I come, no collections will have to be made.”
(1 Corinthians 16:2 ESV & NIV)

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(2 Corinthians 9:7)

Note that Paul doesn’t teach tithing (“tenthing”).

Jesus taught the Pharisees not to neglect justice and mercy when they tithed herbs etc, but he had yet to inaugurate the New Covenant. When the New Covenant came into being after the Cross and Resurrection, the law’s demands no longer applied to those “in Christ”.

These New Testament principles come from a heart that has received Jesus’ lavish grace, setting us free from fear of the future, that God won’t provide for our needs. Giving becomes a matter between the believer and God, between a husband and wife, where each one of us gets before God in prayer and then gives, prompted by grace and a generosity of spirit. No one is compelling you, telling you what to do! It’s a personal adventure of faith.

Realising that Jesus gave everything for us, we can then overflow with generosity in every area of our lives. We find we can give our patience, forgiveness, love, understanding—and give from our wallet or purse! Let’s be a generous people!

If you’ve got questions about how much Christians should give, Clive’s talk on generosity from our Joining the Church Family course is invaluable, and well worth every minute.