Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 2. Sabbath is the first thing declared ‘holy’ in the Bible, marking a day of rest and completion after God’s work of creation.
Tag: Stewardship
Voting Like Jesus
How can we, as Christians, live in the most godly way in the run up to an election?
The Forgotten Arts 2024, part 4. Living frugally is to become more content, grateful and to relish in what you have, managing what we have rather than resenting what is missing.
A Heart of Service
Those who have been forgiven much, love much — and our love never stays in the abstract, it always takes action.
We Love: Stewardship
We Love, part 6. We’re called to steward all the things God gives to us. We’re want manage our resources wisely, considering God in all that we do. We want to give generously of our time, talents and treasure.
Psalm 49: Wealth, Finance & Trusting God
We’re all caught in the same storm but we’re not all in the same boat. Some of us are thriving, others just about surviving. How do we handle the different challenges we’re all experiencing?
The Forgotten Arts, part 5. Taking a day of rest is not just good for us. It is an act of worship, and one that causes transformation in our lives.
The Forgotten Arts, part 3. We give out of joy because God has given so much to us. As John 3:16 says “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son”.
Happy Mondays: Live in the Everyday
Joy, part 11. All work, unless it’s immoral, is part of God’s Kingdom mission. We are gathered to worship in church on Sundays, and scattered to worship through work on Mondays.