Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 7. Ben continues our Genesis series with the second part of the Noah account, the flood receding, and life being renewed on Earth.
Tag: Ben Holbrook
Against the Flow, part 6. Home and school are the two most important places for a child. They have a huge effect on their life chances, and can set the tone and trajectory of their lives.
The Merciful Healer
Our King and the Kingdom, part 4. Healings are a sign of the Kingdom to a broken people living in a broken world, that one day all things will be restored and made new again.
Slow Down and Wait
By Faith, part 6. How do we respond when life is painful and prayers seem unanswered?
Renewing Your Mind
Romans 12. The way we think has a huge impact on us, with deeply rooted patterns of behaviour and thought affecting our daily lives. Transformation through self-help is sort in secular culture, but only Jesus can get to the root … Continue reading “Renewing Your Mind”
A Spirit of Boldness
Acts, part 5. Looking at chapter 4 and the transformation of Peter.
Arising Conflict
Joshua Generation, part 10. In Joshua 22 we see that God is still leading his people despite all their stumbling and mistakes. So often it’s two steps forward and one step back. But God does not give up on them.
Distraction and Deception
Joshua Generation, part 7. The amount of information and distraction in modern life is greater than any other time in history, and it can be almost overwhelming. There’s also a battle for the mind and a battle against the flesh, … Continue reading “Distraction and Deception”
Joy in Resting
Surprised by Joy, part 5. What do we do with pain, loss, challenges to mental health and heightened anxieties? Philippians 4 gives us some amazing ways though which we can set ourselves in the peace of God.