Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 8. We’re excited to have Andy with us who leads the Unreached network that looks to inspire and strengthen cross cultural mission to Unreached Peoples across the global Newfrontiers family.
Category: Genesis 1-11 Origins
Genesis 8-9: The Flood Part 2
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 7. Ben continues our Genesis series with the second part of the Noah account, the flood receding, and life being renewed on Earth.
Genesis 6-7: Noah, The Ark & The Flood
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 6. Andy Thorpe preaches on Genesis chapters 6-7 in the continuation of our Genesis 1-11: Origins series.
Genesis 4: The Two Paths
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 5. Cain and Abel each choose two distinct paths, one of self-reliance and the other through faith and obedience.
Genesis 3: Fall or Rebellion?
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 4. In Genesis 3 we see the very first sin take place which we often describe as ‘the fall’ — a term which can imply an accident, that there was no choice involved. Yet the fall was … Continue reading “Genesis 3: Fall or Rebellion?”
Genesis 2: Male and Female He Created Them
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 3. Creation is filled with communication about its creator, yet humanity is the only thing that is created in the image of God.
Genesis 2: The Seventh Day
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 2. Sabbath is the first thing declared ‘holy’ in the Bible, marking a day of rest and completion after God’s work of creation.
Genesis 1: Poetry in Motion
Genesis 1-11 Origins, part 1. The name ‘Genesis’ means ‘beginning’ and in it’s opening chapter we see a narrative that precedes human existence and could only have come from God himself. It is, interestingly, absolute mathematical perfection.