Godly Little Letters, part 4. All believers will contend for the gospel, they will struggle and strive for it, contest difficulty and take a stand. The extreme persecution of the first century couldn’t wipe out the faith of the early … Continue reading “Jude: Contend for the Faith”
Category: Godly Little Letters
Philemon: Transformation and Change
Godly Little Letters, part 3. Freedom, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and a change of identity. God loves to transform us out of what we once were into something completely new.
Love is All You Need — Part 2
Godly Little Letters, part 2. Looking again at the letter of 1 John we take a deeper look at one of the signs that Jesus lives in us, that we love one another.
Love is All You Need — Part 1
Godly Little Letters, part 1. Looking at the letter of 1 John. John was an eyewitness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and today we look at three signs that he lives in us.