By Faith, part 11. We conclude our series on the life of Abraham by looking at one thing that each one of us will experience and none of us can escape: death. When the believer passes through this they no longer … Continue reading “Dying and Living”
Tag: Oli Stevens
The Burden of Bits and Bobs
By Faith, part 2. Not have enough can be a problem! But so can having too much.
To be a Pilgrim
The Pursuit of God, part 1. Looking at Psalm 63 and our new lives in Christ where the compass of our hearts have been recalibrated, from chasing worldly desires and ambitions, to pursuing hard after God.
The Lord of the Feast
Encounters with Jesus, part 1. Looking at John 2 where Jesus is revealed as the Lord of abundance, producing fruit that lasts and does not run out. He’s the Lord of plenty, and he longs to share it with you … Continue reading “The Lord of the Feast”
Reconciled With One Another
Romans 14 & 15. The world is desperate for peace and unity — to find ways to bring enemies together. But the Christian gospels says that we must first be reconciled to God before we can be part of a reconciled … Continue reading “Reconciled With One Another”
The Time is Now
Our Father goes out of his way to search for the one that’s lost, because they are of real value to him, and he desires all to be saved.
A Heart for the Church
People will sometimes say “I really like Jesus, I just don’t like the Church”. The problem is this: while Christ is the head, the Church is his body, and they are in separable.
How to Survive a Shipwreck
Acts, part 25. Someone once said “don’t ruin a good adventure with too many questions”. With every story, there are parts where we are not in control. .
Jesus People
Acts, part 19. God loves to use people as part of his unfolding plan and story.