August 2024 Baptisms

It’s amazing to hear the stories of those who have had their lives transformed by Jesus, and have made a public declaration that they are following him, including a number of our young people at King’s who have recently returned from Newday. The chapters for each baptism is visible in the YouTube video when played.

To explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly and fun environment (with a free dinner!) consider Alpha, which begins at King’s on Wednesday 25th at 7:30pm. Find out more at

Easter Baptisms 2023

It’s amazing to hear the stories of those who have had their lives transformed by Jesus, and have made a public declaration that they are following him. Hear their stories from Easter Sunday and our Thursday morning church:

Easter Sunday
00:00 Kate
03:58 Sam
08:34 Shannon
11:31 Connor
18:35 Nathan

Thursday Church
23:01 Katie
23:53 Sarah

To explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly and fun environment (with a free dinner!) consider Alpha, which begins at King’s on Wednesday, 3rd May at 7:30pm. Find out more at

Baptisms & Stories — December 2022

It was fantastic to see nine people get baptised in our service on 4th December. You can catch up with their stories and baptisms here, captured from our livestream.

If someone you know got baptised, you can find them in the video at the following timings:

06:20 — David
08:13 — Grace
10:29 — Joe
16:36 — Josh
20:23 — Joe
25:47 — Martha
28:38 — Bernice
30:34 — Rachel
38:18 — Will

July 2022 Baptisms

It was such a joy and privilege to hear six people share their stories of how they’ve come to follow Jesus and to see them get baptised with us on Eastbourne beach. Some have believed for years, others for a few weeks. All have an amazing new life in Christ, which has no end.

If someone you know got baptised, you can find them in the video at the following timings:

00:20 Ian
04:34 Sonia
08:55 Chelsea
11:42 Lou
13:57 Sarah
15:45 Will

July 2019 Baptisms

Our Hampden Park and Centro venues went down the beach and celebrated the baptisms of eight people who have recently decided to follow Jesus. Amazingly, we were joined by two passers by who wanted to get baptised as well.

Timings: John (00:54), Holly (04:17), James (05:32), Catherine (07:40), Alexia (10:25), Annalie (12:52), Delphine (14:33), Daniel (18:52)

Easter 2019 baptisms

Baptism tells the story of death and resurrection: dying to your old self, your old way of living, and being born again into a new and eternal life with God.

Here are the stories of ten people who got baptised at Kings over the Easter weekend.

Timings: What is baptism? 00:00, Ryan 02:39, Daniel 06:11, Jack 09:51, Donna 12:29, Elisa 13:59, Zachary 16:18, Cora 18:30, Pierce 20:44, Sylvia 23:16, Adam 27:42.