Ten Teaching Series

Ten Teaching Series

God’s law is perfect wisdom, perfect love. It’s written on our hearts and woven into the very fabric of the Universe. Jesus has completed it all for us, and we experience amazing grace as we follow him.

And yet God’s law is not to be ignored or thrown away. In fact, the law is eternal and will never be erased. Like the laws that govern gravity, fire or electricity, we can harness their power or we can ignore them at great risk.

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God’s laws are so expertly knitted into the world around us that they cannot be cast aside. They are part of his perfect and incredible design. Whenever we go against them we naturally experience chaos, pain and destruction. But when we understand the life and freedom they bring, we can received unparalleled peace and joy.

No longer is the law an impossible set of rules to keep —  they have become a picture of Jesus, who’s likeness we are being transformed into.

The 10 Commandments are a gift from God. Over 10 weeks we will explore their life-giving power and how they can transform and equip us for a lifetime of following Jesus.

Starting 14th October at Hampden Park and Centro, with all talks made available online at www.kings.church/teaching

We look forward to seeing you at Kings!